aku sediakan contoh surat cinta yang korang leh gunakan.. sekarang Bahasa Inggeris amat penting.. jadi jangan segan silu nak guna bahasa inggeris k.. tengok si TIJAH nie.. berani...
"As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person."
-Ce Cari Ce Cari-
::All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose::
:: Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.::
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.::
-Perubahan Masa-
-Perubahan Tarikh-
-CeCite CeCite-
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-SITE Lain-
Anifah: Malaysians safe but whereabouts unknown
SEPANG: The 12 Malaysians on board an aid ship attacked by Israeli forces on Monday morning are “alive and not injured”, said Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman. However, their whereabouts are unknown.
Anifah said the Government was working closely with the governments of Jordan, Turkey, the Philippines and Ireland, who have offered to help Malaysia secure the release of the 12.
“With international pressure and intervention, we hope their release can be secured as soon as possible,” he told a press conference here yesterday after returning from the Asean-Gulf Countries Cooperation meeting in Singapore.
Anifah clarified that 12 Malaysians were on board the ship Mavi Marmaraand not 11 as reported earlier, adding that the 12th person was identified as Mustafa Mansor from the Islamic Organisation Consultative Council of Malaysia.
He said 18 Malaysians were involved in the humanitarian mission, with six on board another ship, the Rachel Corrie.
Mavi Marmara was leading a convoy of six vessels bound for Gaza to deliver aid to 100,000 Palestinians when it was attacked by Israeli commandos in international waters at 10.30am Malaysian time on Monday.
The Israeli navy stopped six ships ferrying 700 people and 10,000 tonnes of supplies and forced them to the Israeli port of Ashdod.
Anifah said Malaysia plans to send a protest note to the United Nations Security Council for “their most disappointing” statement over the attack.
“The council had only expressed deep regret over the incident instead of condemning Israel’s act.”
Bernama quoted Astro Awani vice-president and general manager Rozina Aziz as saying that they received confirmation the Malaysians, including their news crew, were safe.
“We are pleased to learn that our reporter-anchor Ashwad Ismail and cameraman Samsulkamal Abdul Latip are not injured,” she said in a statement.
She said Astro Awani had been liaising with Wisma Putra and Lifeline4Gaza organisers to monitor the situation.
Rozina also said they had been updating family members of Ashwad and Samsulkamal on the latest developments.
In Kuala Lumpur, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has instructed Wisma Putra to try all avenues to save the Malaysian volunteers on board the Mavi Marmara.
He added that Malaysia would use its contacts in international intelligence bodies to get information on the fate of the 12 Malaysians.
“It is very difficult to get any information (on them) as there have been no communication with them. We will try (to get the information) through the UN and third countries,” he told a press conference here yesterday.
Najib said Malaysia would also look at actions to be taken against Israel for violating human rights and international laws.
Let Scream
ArghhH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes3!!! puas hati!!!!!!!!!!
Stone turn into a chocolate?
SUNGAI PETANI: “It tasted like chocolate, that was why I ate them,” said Year Four I. Yogeswary who was admitted to the Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital here with her two younger sisters and a cousin for eating stones.
The girls were hospitalised after they vomited and suffered stomach pains for eating stones collected from the compound of their house in Kampung Padang Lembu, some 20km from here.
Yogeswary, 10, her sisters Nageswari, eight, and Ganggadevi, six, and their cousin N. Vikneswary, nine, were admitted to the hospital after one of them revealed their condition to Jerai MIC division chairman R. Supramaniam on Friday.
They were admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit here but on Sunday have since have been moved to the observation ward.
Accompanying them at the hospital was their 61-year-old grandmother N. Bathumalai.
A visit to the ward yesterday showed that Yogeswary, Nageswari and Vikneswary’s condition had improved while Ganggadevi was still weak.
Yogeswary said she had been eating stones since last year, adding that it was very crunchy and tasted like chocolate.
Admitting that she was the one who had introduced the stones to the three girls, the schoolgirl from SJK (T) Kalaivani in Kampung Padang Lembu said they secretly ate the stones behind their parents’ back.
“I collected the stones and hid them in my schoolbag and would eat them in my room. One day, Nageswari saw me eating the stones and joined in while the others did so later.
“My sisters, cousin and I are never full after eating food prepared by my mother. We will only feel full after eating the stones.
“My father had caught me eating the stones a few months back and punished me but I was soon back to the habit,” she said.
Her mother V. Sarojini, 27, when met at home, said the girls were admitted to the hospital after her husband, R. Inderan, 43, searched their room and found plastic packages containing stones hidden in their schoolbags and closet.
“I had warned them numerous times about it but they denied doing it. Ganggadevi and Nageswari were admitted to the hospital for the same problem last June and in January this year.
“My husband may earn a small salary working as a labourer but we are never out of food. I am unable to visit my daughters and niece as I have two other daughters and a son to take care of at home,” she said.
Inderan said he and his wife had been branded as unfit parents by his neighbours after the media highlighted the matter, adding that the accusations were unjust as they had done their best for the children.
:: Hope our Malaysian Survive ::
PETALING JAYA: The fate of Astro Awani journalist Ashwad Ismail, 26, and cameraman Samsulkamal Abdul Latip, 43, as well as nine other Malaysians believed to be on board Turkish ship Mavi Marmara when Israeli commandos stormed it yesterday, remains unknown.
Astro Awani’s last contact with its crew was at 7.45pm on Sunday, according to a statement from the TV channel.
A senior Astro Awani source said they were trying desperately to establish contact with the two.
The attack took place 65km off the Gaza coast in international waters yesterday morning, killing nine people and injuring many others.
Astro Awani has not received word from them since the attack took place at 10.30am local time, according to a statement from Astro Awani.
The two-man crew left Kuala Lumpur for Istanbul, Turkey, on May 23 before proceeding to Antalya Port to join the convoy which left for Gaza on Sunday.
Mavi Marmara was leading an international convoy dubbed the Freedom Flotilla with six other ships intending to deliver 10,000 tonnes of aid to Gaza.
A total of 700 activists from 50 countries, including Israel, are participating in this humanitarian effort.
According to a statement from Lifeline 4 Gaza, there were six other Malaysians on board another ship and they were safe.
They were on the Rachel Corrie which left from Cyprus, according to a statement by NGO Perdana Global Peace Organisation.
They are lawyer Matthias Chang, journalist Shamsul Akmar, Parit MP Nizar Zakaria, activist Ahmad Faizal Azumu and TV3 crew members Halim Mohamed and Jufri Junid.
Meru state assemblyman Dr Abdul Rani Osman, who is on board one of the ships, managed to send a message to some of his Selangor state assemblymen that he was safe.
PAS activist Jamulidin Bakar was also on board one of the ships but he had yet to get in touch with fellow party members, said PAS secretary-general Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar.
The Israeli navy has diverted the convoy to the port of Ashdod where a special passport and detention centre has been set up.
:: Negara yang bangang ::
PETALING JAYA: The fate of 11 Malaysians on board the humanitarian ship Mavi Marmara remains unknown after Israeli commandos attacked the vessel in international waters.
The ship was in a convoy of six vessels bound for Gaza to deliver aid to the 100,000 Palestinians still without shelter. At least nine people on board the ship were killed and dozens injured, provoking a diplomatic crisis.
The Israeli navy stopped six ships ferrying 700 people and 10,000 tonnes of supplies and forced them into the Israeli port of Ashdod.
- BUDUS!!! ape la yang dia tak puah hati sngat geng israel nih!!!! orang bg wujud k dunia ni kira bgus la, nk lebih2 plak.. haish!!!! -
::-:: Countless Emotion vs Whatever ::-::
:: The are a lot of of emotion that are really uncountable for me this week ::
:: Trying hard to do my best for the final week in this 3P Seasons ::
:: Afraid, Nervous, Crying, Sadness, Angry, Disappointed, Dissatisfy, Madness, GOD DAMN IT!!!, OMG, WTH, WFT ::
:: Something is wrong about my life this recent days ::
:: Unable to coop with environment now ::
:: Fuck off, get off, turn off, step off ::
3P - Adobe Photoshop CS4/5 Extended
Skang aku da di final week tuk adobe photoshop nyer kursus.. quite interesting.. mcam2 aku leh wat dan mcam2 aku da explore.. sungguh2 aku bertuah la.. hehehe.. klau sblum nie aku leh edit sket2 jek.. skangn i aku da leh edit byk2.. hahaha.. terima ksih kepda UiTM dan juga prestariang yang handle benda nie.. juga thanks tu my faculty sbb sdiakn mkanan wlupn skjap jek.. tp ok, mkanan best!! hehehe.. baru je lpas present kerja2 photoshop kt dpan td.. cuak!!!! antara kerja2 aku ni la.. yang aku sertakan nie.. hehehe
macam2 yang aku wat.. wlaupun xhebat cm orang2 laen.. kira ok la kn.. 1st time try... hehehehe
ni contoh business card... lawa la plak kn.. kah3...
dua gambar nie pown ok gak...
dan yang laen2 kt bwah nie... hehehe.. lawa....
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- d Rex
- Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia
- Aku hanyalah insan biasa yang makan di pinggan minum di cawan. Futsal, Football and Badminton is my favorite sports. Dan aku cuba untuk mengarut di blog ni. ~HAVE FUN~