UiTM 73th Convocation Ceremony held on 25th November - 6th Disember 2010. My ceremony will be held on 30 November 2010 evening session. All of you were invited to my convocation ceremony, and don't forget to buy some nice present for me yea. :D.. I was grateful to ALLAH S.W.T, because on HIS will, I finish my study and gain my Bachelor Degree. Thanks to my Family especially my UMIE (Puan Khatijah Binti Ismail) who always support me on whatever situations she's into, and for whatever she's do for me for all this time. I'm grateful to have such a great mother like you UMIE. And now with you prayer I got a job and even I can't payback what you have sacrifice for me, for my study, for my success fullness and for all, I will try to give my best for you UMIE, it's my time to do what I have and need to do for a mother, that is what son for right. And please forgive me if I can't make you happy or satisfied and please guide me in this new world. A working environment is totally new for me, and please pray for me UMIE, I need your bless to be someone who are useful to their family.

For my all of my friends, now its the time. The time to claim our hardworks for 5 years in UiTM. A scroll that will make us a new comers in new environment who will looking for a good job that equivalent with our qualification. Thanks for being my best friends and thanks for being my struggle friends (which I love to call it that way). We have been through so many situation (bad or not) and that make us more strong then ever. We learn from failure, criticism and so many more and it make us someone who acquire a great skills to conserve with working environment that waiting for us outside there. Are u ready my friends? Let together get through it and always remember that I always there for you. 24hours of HP, call me anytime, I will pickup if I'm not busy. Always help other who in need and please don't become someone who arrogant with yourself.
"A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad. ~Arnold H. Glasgow"
"If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me."
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