Each Wednesday and Friday/Saturday was a "sport night" which I love to call it that way. Wednesday is Futsal Day (9.00 PM @Subang Sport Planet) with UniRazak staff and Friday/Saturday (10.00 AM @ Sri Rampai) with my friends.
Those day is only days that I can spent a time to play Futsal and Badminton (of course I craze bout them) with friends. I love to play on the others day if there were invitation (Hahaha.. Just wait for invitation, cause I can't book and bad in find mate's to join). 3 streak week in a row now for Futsal and 2 weeks in a row for Badminton.
It was 1st time I play since a left both of those sport almost 1 and half month ago (maybe 2 month). When you craze about something, you must show your passion on it and that what I do now, maybe I'm not great as the others guy but I still score goal and win Badminton match, that is important and make me enjoy play Futsal and Badminton. My favorite sports since my secondary school.

When I come to the day, I can't wait. It's like these sports has already buried in my (not so active) life. I'll will never give it in if someone tell me to, even it's my girlfriend (Do I have one?) :D :p. Girls like active man right? (is it?). Haahahaha..
Everyone has their own favorite sports and so do I. Futsal and Badminton will never fade in my life.
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