Friday, June 10, 2011 | By: d Rex

:: Badminton FEVER ::


On the 9/6/2011 - Thursday Night.. We almost reaching 30 player (20+ Men with 6 Women).. What a night for our badminton club.. Should gave a big applause to everyone who played last night.. Thanks for the cooperation.. If we maintain the numbers who joined the badminton activity every week.. Our club could grow bigger.. With a shirt coming up, I thinks everyone were excited.. 2 hours with 4 court.. No argument about that, everyone enjoyed the game and very glad with that.. 1 dozen shuttle in one night.. that is quite obvious that they really played with full hearted (that what i thinks).. But there something that bother me though.. where we were miss calculated caused of some players who didn't confirm to join.. just came to play without any notice and that makes the 1st 30 minutes were murky or brumous and i'm not sure that i'm really comfortable 
with those situation.. I prefer that everyone were give their name earlier if they wanted to join, so
we can prepared earlier in every aspect..  

In those enjoyable and laughter night, there someone who were not into it.. and it was ME..
I'm very disappoint that my racket were cracked.. Ouh My! I love those racket but what can I do 
bout it right.. Just bear with it, and in the 1st, 2nd game.. i'm not really in the mood.. so I'll decide
to buy a new racket.. that night I buying it.. and the mood were back.. :)

enough pressing the keyboard now.. see you next time~ just comment our badminton club logo..
search at FACEBOOK - Sharp Shuttle Badminton Club.. :)

Looking forward next week activities :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011 | By: d Rex

:: DocuShare ::

Yesterday, I attend a conference regarding the Document Solution which handled by Fuji Xerox Malaysia at Berjaya Hotel near Time Square. I'm really interested in this software that can help us to improve our record management system. I am in the Record Management field and i know what is good what is not. The DocuShare really has it. Even it's not the perfect one but it still one of the best.

Xerox DocuShare is the proven, award-winning, affordable Web-based enterprise content management platform that delivers sophisticated, yet highly personalized capabilities. DocuShare enables users to capture, manage, share, and protect a wide range of paper and digital content in one secure, central, and highly scalable repository. DocuShare’s intuitive, easy user interface is so simple, teams adopt it in a matter of a few days; users can be fully trained in one week. DocuShare is easy-to-deploy, requiring little to no IT support, and it works with all common hardware and software.
  • Trims up to 90% of your operational and storage costs
  • Cuts up to 80% of the time it takes to find vital information
  • Provides easy and secure access to documents from any location, 24/7
  • Enables dramatic improvements in staff efficiency and productivity
  • Easily scales to add more users and store more content as needs grow
  • Empowers users to manage Web and other content without burdening IT
  • Helps meet sustainability goals: cuts paper, waste, energy, storage, shipping.
  • Rapid ROI – provides strong value and low total cost of ownership
Document management
  • Version control
  • Document check-in / check-out
  • Document- and version-based permissions
  • Simple single word and advanced searches
  • Wizard-based document routing and approval tool
  • Wikis and blogs
  • Threaded discussions
  • Email notification
  • Content submission via email
Image capture
  • Scan cover sheets for scanning to collections and documents
  • High-performance imaging
  • Permissions-based access control
  • Password management and password rules enforcement
  • SSL encryption

:: Dota Dota Map ::

To all Dota Player.. The one who craziest about dota.. new map been released..
Click link download below..

Link below will direct you to the site where you can download the stable map..

:: Berita kepada Kawan ::

almost tiap-tiap hari.. ade je benda yang aku nak pikir.. smpai sstgh mber ckp.. ko ni bukan berpikir di luar kotak.. tp da mmg xde kotak da ko nie.. pikir bende2 yg orang lain kadg2 tak terpikir.. tapi bende2 yg aku pikir dan luahkan, dorg trima se adanya.. dan kdg2 bende tu mmg betoi pon.. aq kdg2 slalu menjadi tmpat teman2 meluahkan perasaan.. mmg aku suka bagi2 pendapat nie.. dan aku akan bgi pndapat yg betoi2 pendapat la.. jjur.. xperlu nak jaga2 ati.. nama pon pendapat.. kalau jaga ati, mknanya kita menipu.. dan itu bukan pendapat nama nya.. 

dan cerita2 member aku ni xkn la aq nk kongsi kt sni kan.. no way.. da jji ngn dorang.. rhsia antara ktorang je kot.. xperlu la org laen taw sal citer tu.. huhuuhhu.. tapi pape pon.. setiap insan ada msalah sendiri.. kita sebgai kawan sepatotnya mencari jalan penyelesaian.. xsemestinya dorg kene ikut.. kita bagi pendapat kan.. dorang nak trima or x.. terpulang la.. masa bg pendapat tu.. kita selit kan cerita2 yg boleh buat kan dorang terpikir.. terpikir sedalam dalamnya.. tapi crita tu klau crita betoi lg bgus.. cam aku lg suka kaitkan crita2 betoi.. dari mana nk dapat kan cerita2.. dari pengalaman, berita2 yg terjadi yg mmg match dengan keadaan dia.. dan sebagainya la..

so.. tu korang jadikan berita kepada kawan... cam lgu ebbe tu.. kan best.. huhuhu.. berita yg bagus akan di sambut baek.. dan korang sebenarnya dah menolong dari segi psychology sebenarnya.. bg dorang pikir mana baik n mana buruk kan.. senang.. huhuhu.. orait geng.. ni berita tuk korang.. sal diri aku gak la sket.. xleh gtaw byk2.. hehehe.. 
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 | By: d Rex

:: Kawen? Tunang? ::

Ouh My God!

pejam celik pejam celik.. rupenye aku da 24 tahun (still muda!).. & langsung tak berpikir sal topik post ni..! tapi bila dengar and and tengok member2 kawen.. tunang semua.. mula la bende nie terdetik kat hati aq neh.. persoalan2 yang lazimnya berada dalam cerita2 melayu mula la bermain2 lam pikiran aku.. contohnya: "aku da sedia ke belom nak kawen nie?".. "sape la jodoh aku?".. "pe rase kawen ea?" dan sebagainya la.. thun lepas 3,4 orang mber aku kawen.. thun nie da 4 orang yg kawen.. dan bkal menyusul lagi ade 3.. yang nak bertunang pun ramai.. nanti bila dorang da kawen.. msti soklan2 lazim tu xkan lpas dari mulut dorang bila terjmpa aku.. soalan lazim nie payah la nak jawap.. dan agk bosan nak jwap.. "ko bila lagi?" "da ade empunya lom?" bila nak ke jinjang pelamin?" dan sebagai nya yg kadang2 buat aku meluat dengar eh.. aduiyai... 

hidup aku happy skang nie.. typical malaysian :).. rilek, cool, komitment xyah nak besar n tggi.. dan aku pon lom ready lg nak ade org rumah dan isi rumah neh.. klau d tanya dari segi mana.. byk la.. dari segi kewangan.. kemudahan.. keselesaan.. ke enjoy an hidup muda.. dan sebagainya yg indah ketika zaman bujang?

jika tanya bila aku nak menamat kan zaman bujang!? jwapn yg sama aku kasi...

Sunday, June 5, 2011 | By: d Rex

:: Registration Day ::

Hari ni 5.6.2011.. AHAD.. kul 8.30 aku da terpacak kat opis da.. dengan meredah hujan yang renyai2 tadi..
dan aku berjaya dengan selamatnya sampai di office.. hari ni kene keje.. jadi RECEPTIONIST.. untuk new student registration, maknanya student yang baru nak admit kt tmpat aku ni la.. hehehehehe..
sesampai je.. aku lupa log in recept nyer phone.. maka berlambak2 lah call yang tak leh nak masok.. huhuhu.. bos siap call aku nape tak log in.. dengan sepantas kilat.. agak laju larian ku.. aku log in phone dan try call guna HP aku.. tapi tak leh masok gak.. maybe ade prob kot.. bos datang wat pon tak dapat gak.. hahaha.. akhirnya penyelesaian dia.. ICT la.. agak dalam 5 minit.. smua kembali normal.. dan aku boleh menjalankan tugas as RECEPTIONIST nie.. hehehe.. aku da bese da.. walaupun designation aku not as receptionist.. tpi apa salahnya kan.. bantu membantu.. my receptionist mengajar tuition.. si dia takleh nak datang.. aku la yang sukarela nak ganti dia.. lagi pon bukan ade pape nak buat kat rumah tu selain dari membuta... so.. skang aku melayan lagu2 yang wajib di karaoke kan.. smbil update blog yang da lama tak d update nie :).. hehehe.. GOOD DAY!